Antwoorden op de roep van de toekomst


Rosenstock-Huessy's 12 Tones of the Spirit

the Spirit reverses this order of naturalism: In nature, birth precedes death; In nature, life tries to shun death. In the spirit, death precedes life; In the spirit, the founder’s death g...

Ian Bremmer: Henry Kissinger turns 100

Henry Kissinger turns 100 gZ Transkript: Hi, everybody. Ian Bremmer here. Happy Tuesday to you after Memorial Day weekend, and I thought I’d talk for a bit about Dr. Kissinger since he’s just tu...

Over-grazing and desertification in the Syrian steppe are the root causes of war

Civil war in Syria is the result of the desertification of the ecologically fragile Syrian steppe, writes Gianluca Serra - a process that began in 1958 when the former Bedouin commons were opened u...

Ian Bremmer

Ian Bremmer is the founder and president of Eurasia Group, a political risk research and consulting firm. He is also a founder of GZERO Media gZ, a digital media firm. Bremmer has published 11 bo...

Over oorsprong Europese unie

De verrassende oorsprong van onze Europese waarden met Clemens van den Berg en Beatrice de Graaf Waar komen de Europese waarden vandaan? Historicus en theoloog Clemens van den Berg heeft daar onde...

About Scandinavia

Licht op het noorden door Stine Jensen en haar eigen website Stine Jensen in Noorwegen Stine Jensen in Finland Stine Jensen in Zweden Stine Jensen in Denemarken Stine Jensen is de zus v...

Critique of academia

Grievance studies affair Sokal affair List of scholarly publishing stings Publish or perish An earlier article: On the Current State of Academia

Over Nederland en Nederlanders

Wikipedia; Rampjaar 1672 TV serie: Het Rampjaar 1672 Wikipedia: Lotte Jensen en haar eigen website Lotte Jensen: Wij en het water A Lotte Jensen: (1/5) Sinds wanneer voelen wij ons Nederland...

ERHFund Essay Competition

The Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy Fund announces its first essay competition: “Into Life”: Rethinking the Legacy of Franz Rosenzweig and Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy

How Much Do Things Really Cost?

True Price, a Dutch nonprofit, aims to help us grasp the real costs of consumption. Original article by Nick Romeo In late 2020, a sign appeared on the street outside De Aanzet, a tidy, charming ...


Starlink is a satellite internet constellation operated by SpaceX providing satellite Internet access coverage to most of the Earth. The constellation has grown to over 1,700 satellites through 202...

America First

America First refers to a policy stance in the United States coined by progressive, internationalist president Woodrow Wilson that generally emphasizes nationalism and non-interventionism. The isol...

Peace Building

Two fundamental practioneers of the field John Paul Lederach John Paul Lederach: From Conflict Resolution to Strategic Peacebuilding “I have always said that the best thing that prepared m...

Against Chomsky

David Bade African Studies Global Virtual Forum: Decoloniality and Southern Epistemologies David Bade: Living Theory and Theory that Kills: Language, Communication and Control “Colou...

The Historical Context of the Bible

This is a series of 37 lectures covering the ancient historical setting of the Bible. The instructor is Bruce W. Gore M.A., J.D., adjunct professor of biblical studies at Whitworth University, Spok...

Secrets about People: A Short and Dangerous Introduction to René Girard

I understand this introduction to René Girard until he drops the name “Trump”. From there on it is my feeling that the author interprets Trumpism way too positive.

Martin Luther Rewired Your Brain

Your brain has been altered, neurologically re-wired as you acquired a particular skill. This renovation has left you with a specialized area in your left ventral occipital temporal region, shifted...

How Religion Shaped Modern Economics

In the 18th century, a new Protestant belief that people have control over their destinies fostered the rise of free-market ideas. The conventional account of modern thinking about economics start...

Johnny Cash

Johnny Cash, The Last Great American (BBC TV Documentary 2004) “JOHNNY CASH’S AMERICA” - (2008 Documentary) The Gift: The Journey of Johnny Cash (Official Documentary)(2019, Youtube Original) Th...

Netherlands Food Partnership

The recently launched Netherlands Food Partnership enables powerful collaboration between relevant Dutch organisations and international partners to achieve urgent changes that contribute to sustai...

Tulip mania

Tulip mania I: How a single tulip was worth more than a villa Tulip mania II: The price can only go up! Tulip mania III: How Financial Bubbles Burst

Dutch Waterworks

How The Dutch Dug Up Their Country From The Sea Why The Dutch Turned A Sea Into A Lake Why The Netherlands Isn’t Flooding (Anymore)

Construction: B1M

The definitive video channel for construction! We love construction, and we want the whole world to love it too.

Yes, There Is Such a Thing as a Milk Sommelier

Bas de Groot appreciates milk like others would a fine wine. melksommelier Bas de Groot is bezeten van melk Heus, Bas de Groot is bezeten van melk. ‘Elke koe geeft haar eigen melk. Dus krijgt elke...

Farmer-managed natural regeneration

Farmer-managed natural regeneration (FMNR) is a low-cost, sustainable land restoration technique used to combat poverty and hunger amongst poor subsistence farmers in developing countries by increa...

Origins of Rock 'n' Roll

Sister Rosetta Tharpe: The Queer Black Woman Who Invented Rock ’n’ Roll Example of her Guitar picking style: Sister Rosetta Tharpe - Didn’t it rain, children Lyle Lovett Inducts Johnny Cash i...

'Platform Capitalism'

‘Platform Capitalism’ - Dr Nick Srnicek (book) 4 types of platforms: advertising platforms: Google, Facebook ⇒ have to maximise the collection of data cloud/industrial platforms: AWS, Micros...

Eurotopia, Europe of regions

Eurotopia NL D Europäische Republik VPRO: Eurotopia De Europese Unie is moreel en cultureel bankroet, vindt de Duitse filosoof en historica Ulrike Guerot. Essay Eurotopia: de terugkeer van ‘het pl...

Cambridge Analytica processes 50M Facebook profiles to change US elections

Cambridge Analytica whistleblower: ‘We spent $1m harvesting millions of Facebook profiles’ Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach The Cambridg...

New Adobe Character Animator SW

How Adobe Character Animator in After Effects CC helps them break new ground in late night television.


NESTown (short for: New Ethiopia Sustainable Town) is an association founded and domiciled in Bern, Switzerland

Green Ethiopia

Green Ethiopia is about support for self-development, starting with afforestation and ending with people being empowered to sustainably improve their living situation themselves.

Lehre Rosenstock-Huessy's / Rosenstock-Huessys leer

Zusammengefaßt in 3 Begriffen: Sprache, Geschichte und Zeit Für alle drei Zweige werden dann je vier Themen genannt: Das Kreuz der Wirklichkeit, Die Leiblichkeit alles Sprechens, Der Vorran...

Tine de Moor

Tine de Moor (W) “Burgercollectieven kunnen een duurzamere vorm van instituties voor de toekomst zijn”

Wat geloven wij

Bijbel basis eenheiden zijn de individuele boeken is geschreven als antwoord op de omliggende cultuur Wereld waarom gebeuren er positieve dingen

Historic relations between Judaism and Christianity

Classical antiquity and Early Middle Ages: Die Geburt des Judentums aus dem Geist des Christentums: Fünf Vorlesungen zur Entstehung des rabbinischen Judentums (Tria Corda) von Peter Schäfer T...

Nice intro to last 1000 years

Watch as 1000 years of European borders change timelapse map

Medieval Cistercians

Constance Berman: The Medieval Cistercians The Cistercian Evolution - The Invention of a Religious Order in Twelfth-Century Europe by Constance Hoffman Berman

‘Trump makes sense to a grocery store owner’ - an interview with Nassim Taleb

‘Trump makes sense to a grocery store owner’ The real problem is the ‘faux-expert problem’, one who doesn’t know what he doesn’t know, and assumes he knows what people think. I think in the l...

Five ingredients for a populist backlash - Niall Ferguson

Five ingredients for a populist backlash - Niall Ferguson - Zeitgeist 2016 rising immigration increase in inequality perception of corruption major financial crisis enter the demagogue ...

Wim van der Leegte

Wim van der Leegte: hoe een slimme zakenman de rijkste man van Brabant werd EINDHOVEN - Wim van der Leegte gaat dinsdag na vijftig jaar trouwe dienst met pensioen. De directeur-eigenaar van VDL Gr...

Nederland investeert miljoenen in hightech agro en food

Tijdens de opening van Dutch Agri Food Week maakte staatssecretaris Van Dam van Economische Zaken bekend acht miljoen euro beschikbaar te stellen voor hightech innovaties in de landbouw en voedseli...

The Positive Tesla Story

How Tesla Autopilot drove a man with a blood clot to the hospital, and expanded the autonomous car debate.

George Soros and the Open Society Foundation

Dutch article: De lange arm van George Soros

World Bank Names Paul Romer as Chief Economist

Mr. Romer takes over the economic helm at the development institution when industrializing nations and the world’s poorest countries are struggling with decelerating growth, weak commodity prices, ...


Brenninkmeijer deen In 1841, the brothers Clemens and August founded the textile shop C&A, which sold, unusually for that time, ready made clothes. The two brothers, peddlers originally from t...

Bono and Eugene Peterson on Psalms

Bono and Eugene Peterson on Psalms This short film documents the friendship between Bono (of the band U2) and Eugene Peterson (author of contemporary-language Bible translation The Message) revolv...

The Netherlands, The Greenest City In The World

The Netherlands itself is like a city in a river delta: with a single area of conurbation from north of Alkmaar to south of Eindhoven. With that image in mind, the ‘Green Heart’ of the Netherlands ...

Open-book management

The basis of open-book management is that the information received by employees should not only help them do their jobs effectively, but help them understand how the company is doing as a whole. D...


Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder - Nassim Taleb - Animated Book Review In Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder, Nassim Taleb explains the concept of antifragility. Everything ...

"Struggle of our time is between fanatics and the rest of us"

Interview (in English) with Amos Oz about Israel, its history and his new book ‘Judas’.

The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans

The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans Nearly half of Americans would have trouble finding $400 to pay for an emergency. I’m one of them.

How Is Capitalism Going to End?

An Interview with Journalist Paul Mason. Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future by Paul Mason

The Service Year Alliance

The Franklin Project, ServiceNation, & Service Year Exchange Merger: We are thrilled to share with you that the Franklin Project, ServiceNation and the Service Year Exchange (incubated by t...

Connectography: How MegaCities Change the Map of the World

We’re accelerating into a future shaped less by countries than by connectivity. Mankind has a new maxim – Connectivity is destiny – and the most connected powers, and people, will win. In this boo...

Digital Society

Dirk Helbing: The Automation of Society is Next After the automation of factories and the creation of self-driving cars, the automation of society is next. But there are two kinds of automation: a...

Restoration efforts are giving vulnerable native species a second chance

In the Seychelles, Taking Aim at Nature’s Bullies Restoration ecologists see things differently, invoking the principle “You break it, you fix it.” Humans introduced alien species, either inten...

The Church of Cruyff

The Church of Cruyff: Forever Spreading the Football Gospel

Dialogic Leadership

Dialogic leaders cultivate these four dimensions—listening, suspending, respecting, and voicing—within themselves and in the conversations they have with others. Doing so shifts the quality of inte...

Framing failure

“We can run into cognitive dissonance if we realize that we did something that wasn’t actually effective. Why did I do this thing? why did we do this thing? There’s an urge to rationalize it. The W...

Watson Health

IBM Buys Truven, Adding to Growing Trove of Patient Data at Watson Health The Watson Health business, IBM said, now has health-related data on “approximately 300 million patient lives,” mostly in ...

Tethered drone

How a drone on a leash will transform autonomous flying

Banning export of encryption products

US can’t ban encryption because most of it [comes from overseas}( A Worldwide Survey of E...

The Waypoint: a visual journey through Lesbos, the gateway to Europe

Someone volunteering on Lesbos sent this Washington Post visual journey about refugees passing there.

Need a secure smartphone?

Need a secure smartphone? Answer is simple, experts say

Pankaj Mishra

Pankaj Mishra is an Indian author and writer of literary and political essays. His books include Temptations of the West: How to Be Modern in India, Pakistan and Beyond and An End to Suffering: The...


In2Care’s mission is to create scientifically sound products against disease-transmitting insects to improve the well being of people. We focus on biological and affordable solutions to combat mala...

Achille Mbembe

Achille Mbembe is a leading African postcolonial thinker. What is postcolonial thinking? ‘Europa is moe en zelfvoldaan’ His latest book: “Critique de la raison nègre” Dutch: Kritiek van de zwart...

Erasmusspeld voor Feico Houweling

Erasmusspeld voor Feico Houweling en zijn dankwoord.

OnePlanetArchitecture institute

The oneplanetarchitecture institute OPAi was founded by Thomas Rau on 24.12.2008. It is a task-oriented network for the design of sustainable concepts, products and organisations. workbook ‘Circul...

Het einde van bezit

Wat betekent het voor het productieproces als we niet langer spullen bezitten, maar alleen gebruiken? Een Tegenlicht Lab met Thomas Rau ‘Duurzaamheid is FAKE’

About Dutch Cycling Culture

Why the Dutch Ride Bikes Cyclists behaving badly

Failure conferences and startups

Why Coke is hiring founders & holding failure conferences

Self-Driving Cars

Some short-term success: Self-driving cars will cruise the factory floor before they’re big on the open road

Single issue presidential candidate

Lawrence Lessig runs as a candidate in the 2016 US presidential elections. His campaign platform consists of a single proposal: The Citizen Equality Act Lawrence describes the one problem which h...

Open Desk

Opendesk W is an initiative to produce furniture on the principles of Open Making.

Stephen Colbert looks back

Stephan is interviewed by a catholic priest and talks about the Catholic Church and the Pope, the Bible (his favorite verse) and Jesus, C.S. Lewis and relates them to humor, satire and joy.


Would the world be a better place if the wealthiest gave their fortunes away to the bottom billion? We tried to answer the question by creating the Robin Hood Index. Quantifying the boost from eac...

The closer the couple, the better the sex? Not so

Esther Perel explains The closer the couple, the better the sex? Not so because in short, love and security need closeness; passion and desire need space. Or Mating in Captivity: Reconciling Intim...

The Brussels Effect

It is common to hear Europe described today as the power of the past. Europe is perceived to be weak militarily. Its relative economic power is declining as Asia’s is rising. Its common currency ma...

Dutch Street Cup preamble to Homeless World Cup

Eindhovense dak- en thuislozen Nederlands kampioen straatvoetbal

"Connectable" appartment

‘Aanklikbare’ woning van Wilfried Gradus uit Eindhoven maakt langer thuiswonen mogelijk

Marissa Mayer's Maternity Leave Decision

The Yahoo CEO announced yesterday that she plans to take just 14 days of maternity leave in December after the birth of her identical twin girls.

Rotterdam's Mayor propose to turn the Pyramid

Ahmed Aboutaleb, mayor of Rotterdam, wants to strengthen the position of urban areas with respect national government. Urban areas have to compete internationally independent from the nation state.

Indian CEOs and America’s blessings

Google, Microsoft and PepsiCo have Indian CEOs.

Martine Vonk

Martine Vonk is a lecturer on the impact of technology on society. Her dissertation is on “Sustainability and Quality of Life. A study on the religious worldviews, values and environmental impact o...

Farmer with a vision for region, nature and social rhythms

Eemlandhoeve in Dutch

Gridmates - An energy innovation

Gridmates - A potentially world-changing energy innovation How Gridmates is crowdsourcing electricity to help eliminate energy poverty

About turn-around and change management

Christoph Mueller talks about multi-cultural dimensions of change and corporate culture. Dutch: article about Malaysia Airlines’s bankruptcy and Christoph Mueller’s approach to save the company.

Military engineering: origins

The word engineer was initially used in the context of warfare, dating back to 1325 when engine’er (literally, one who operates an engine) referred to “a constructor of military engines”. In this c...

Busan–Geoje Fixed Link

The Busan–Geoje Fixed Link is an 8.2 kilometers bridge-tunnel fixed link that connects the South Korean city of Busan to Geoje Island. It consists of two bridges (1.87 km/1.65 km) and one immersed ...

USA: It’s expensive to be poor.

Where the Poor Live Dearly: From Ferguson to Baltimore: Injustice and violence. What is going on in America? An attempt to find an explanation by Kerstin Kohlenberg

Winkler: History of the West

Heinrich August Winkler’s lecture at the LSE: Greatness and Limits of the West - The History of an Unfinished Project He just finished his opus magnus: Geschichte des Westens Von den Anfängen ...

Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering

The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, is a global engineering prize that rewards and celebrates the engineers responsible for a ground-breaking innovation in engineering that has been of globa...

Challenges in embedded systems architecture & architecting

Gerrit Muller gives an introduction to embedded systems architecture and embedded systems architecting, and the challenges for both of them. He uses the CAFCR model as the main means to organize th...

The smart sock

Kenneth Shinozuka: My simple invention, designed to keep my grandfather safe Sixty percent of people with dementia wander off, an issue that can prove hugely stressful for both patients and caregi...

Mandela's PA: Zelda La Grange

Interview with Zelda La Grange who was brought up as a racist to become the PA of Nelson Mandela.

Who’s Number One?

Essay about Rosenstock-Huessy’s philosophy of language

Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World

Walter Russell Mead’s 2002 book Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World identifies four traditions of American diplomacy: Hamiltonians: They sought a system in ...

What ISIS Really Wants

The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means...

Settlement scaling and increasing returns in an ancient society

A key property of modern cities is increasing returns to scale—the finding that many socioeconomic outputs increase more rapidly than their population size. Recent theoretical work proposes that th...

Visa CEO praises Apple Pay as a trailblazer for mobile payments

Speaking at the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference at San Francisco’s Palace Hotel, Visa CEO Charlie Scharf acknowledged a number of “false starts” in the mobile payments market over ...

Even Scientists Think You're Working Too Early in the Morning

Scientist confirm what we always knew.

U.Lab: Reinventing the 21st Century University

Dat ons onderwijssysteem misschien niet geheel meer past in onze tijd, is een boodschap die al langer rondwaart. Nu komt MIT met een nieuw experiment, om het hart een plek te geven. Niet alleen ver...


Protonet small German start-up (intro video): Providing small and medium enterprises with a unique one-button social infrastructure and enabling them to control their own secure private cloud - has...



European Forest Growth

European Forest Growth gif from here

Biovoeding is een luxeproduct voor de middenklasse

In Biovoeding is een luxeproduct voor de middenklasse vertelt Louise Fresco (sinds kort voorzitter van de raad van bestuur van de de Universiteit van Wageningen) gaat ze in op de relevantie van kun...

The open-source software Stephen Hawking says changed his life

The famous physicist talks about how he spent three years working with Intel to devise new software that makes it simpler for him to communicate with the world.

Kamikaze sisters profile Lebanon’s jihadis

Paying keen attention to detail, the Yamout sisters spent two years cultivating professional relationships with 20 prisoners in Roumieh prison accused of terrorism-related offenses. Their research ...

Transactional and Transformational Sharing

Or: the comeback of cooperatives and the new economy. Transactional Sharing, Transformational Sharing

De Nederlandse Agro & Food sector staat internationaal in hoog aanzien.

Theo Bruinsma (Marel) over de Agro & Food sector: “We hebben de invloed van de technologie in de agro food, zeer sterk zien binnenkomen” “Wij moeten de rest van de wereld leren hoe je op ...


markets are efficient humans act rational in the long run markets are in balance Mathiness

De kunst van het vreedzaam vechten

‘Nooit eerder in de geschiedenis zaten de levens van mensen zo vol met conflicten. We moeten voortdurend ons mannetje staan, of ons vrouwtje – op straat, op het werk, in winkels en zelfs thuis. Het...

Inside San Pedro Sula

Inside San Pedro Sula – the most violent city in the world

Competition Is for Losers

Competition Is for Losers If you want to create and capture lasting value, look to build a monopoly, writes Peter Thiel Zero to one A

Engineers without Borders

The term Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is used by a number of non-governmental organizations in various countries to describe their activity based on engineering and oriented to international dev...

Intense World: A new theory about Autism

The boy whose brain could unlock autism - Autism changed Henry Markram’s family. Now his Intense World theory could transform our understanding of the condition.

Communities in Bloom - 2014: Weert

Gemeente Weert is the winner of the International Challenge (Medium) category. Weert received a 5 Bloom rating and a special mention for Kempen-Broek Cross Border Park during the 2014 Symposium and...

What is important for citizenship in the digital society

Political principles freedom and responsibility Social principles each subject should be free to choose a fitting level of transparency data ownership: data is owned by its subject go...

Certificate Transparency

Google’s Certificate Transparency project fixes several structural flaws in the SSL certificate system, which is the main cryptographic system that underlies all HTTPS connections. Certificate Tra...

Center for Secure Design

The IEEE Computer Society Center for Secure Design intends to shift some of the focus in security from finding bugs to identifying common design flaws. Article: Avoiding the Top 10 Security Flaws

The Second Machine Age

The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee A revolution is under way. In recent years, Google’s autonomous ca...

Own your own data

Own your own data by MIT: “You share code; you don’t share data. Instead of you sending data to Pandora, for Pandora to define what your musical preferences are, it’s Pandora sending a piece of co...

Gates: 'Simple Things Can Have a Huge Effect'

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private global development organization in the world. In a SPIEGEL interview, Melinda Gates explains the couple’s start in philanthropy, the cha...

"... the Rise and Fall of Nations"

Inspired by the subtitle: “… the Rise and Fall of Nations” of The Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Rise and Fall of Nations by Jacob Soll here a list of books with topics of similar scop...

Precision farming

With precision farming, advanced agriculture using GPS, satellite observations and tractors with on-board computers, the farming process is performed as accurately and efficiently as possible. This...

The vanished grandeur of accounting

An article by Jacob Soll. “Double-entry accounting made it possible to calculate profit and capital and for managers, investors, and authorities to verify books. But at the time, it also had a mor...

Boarding schools

The British boarding school remains a bastion of cruelty Why boarding schools produce bad leaders.

Coffee disintermediation

Bonaverde: From green beans to fresh coffee in one machine.

Language and computers

Some essays about computers and languages: Why language isn’t computer code Automated grammar-checking Parsing in pajamas

Archbishop of Mainz removed because of blood vengeance

In 745 Gewiliobus/Gewilip was removed as Archbishop of Mainz because he killed with his own hands the murderer of his father with the words: “accipe quo patrem vindico ferrum” in line with Germanic...

Amsterdam en Emmen

Waarom iedereen in Amsterdam wil wonen en niemand in Emmen

Why Should We Support the Idea of an Unconditional Basic Income?

An answer to a growing question of the 21st century American: Basic Income Guarantee Dutch: Basisinkomen “The issue of the basic income gained prominence on the political agenda in Netherlands bet...

Food and Apps

15 apps that are changing the food industry

Slavery: a profitable labor model

ILO says forced labour generates annual profits of US$ 150 billion. Report finds illegal gain from forced labour of about 21 million people amounts to three times more than prior estimates.

The ocean is broken

IT was the silence that made this voyage different from all of those before it. Not the absence of sound, exactly. 19-jarige komt met oplossing voor groot milieuprobleem The Ocean CleanUp Another...

LobbyPlag and LobbyCloud

Two websites which support political transparency: LobbyCloud is a library of influences on public policy. We publish lobby documents circulating in the EU bureaucracy. LobbyPlag: Transparency fo...

Immersion Cooling

4000 X More Efficient at Removing Heat than Air In a two-phase (evaporative) immersion cooled system, electronic components are submerged into a bath of dielectric heat transfer liquids, which are...

Netcat releases album as Linux kernel module

A Seattle-based band called netcat - not to be confused with the networking tool of the same name - has perked ears in the software community by releasing its debut album as a Linux kernel module (...

"People in the past were very stressed out"

People in the past were very stressed out, suggests a new study that found high amounts of a stress hormone in the hair of Peruvian individuals who lived between 550 A.D. and 1532.

Fear of Google

The FAZ started a discussion about the markets-dominating power of Google: Robert M. Maier, Founder and CEO of Visual Media GmbH: Von der Suchmaschine zur Weltmacht - Angst vor Google Eric S...

Stonebraker: Everything You Learned in Your DBMS Class is Wrong

Stonebraker: One Size Fits None - (Everything You Learned in Your DBMS Class is Wrong) Great presentation about the design (logic) of the NewSQL-DB VoltDB and why all traditional DBMS wisdom is wro...

Seasteading and Blueseed

Seasteading is the concept of creating permanent dwellings at sea, called seasteads, outside the territory claimed by the government of any standing nation. Most proposed seasteads have been modifi...

De Correspondent

De Correspondent is een kwaliteitskrant op het web. A comparable German initiative: Krautreporter

Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is a project in the high-tech strategy of the German government, which promotes the computerization of traditional industries such as manufacturing. In German: Die Bezeichnung „Industr...

Advice from Ballmer

Interview don’t fail fast take a long term view “Microsoft” means affordable, empowering Software

Fairphone niet 100% eerlijk

Initiatiefnemer van de Fairphone, Bas van Abel, vertelt onomwonden dat ook zijn mobiele telefoons niet 100% eerlijk zijn. The CFTI (Conflict Free Tin Initiative) supply chain is a conflict-free de...

Think Orange Grow Green

A cluster of 17 Dutch horticultural companies (including HAS university of applied science) that supports the sustainable development of the horticultural market in Central America. Looks like a n...

The Hague Security Delta

Aankomende donderdag gaat de The Hague Security Delta (HSD), een samenwerking tussen bedrijven, kennisinstellingen en overheden, officieel van start met de opening van haar campus. Deze omvat kanto...

Munich Security Conference

Over the past five decades the Munich Security Conference (MSC) has become a key annual gathering for the international “strategic community.” There is a big media library on the website. The Tra...

The Web Index

Designed and produced by the World Wide Web Foundation, the Web Index is the first multi-dimensional measure of the World Wide Web’s contribution to development and human rights globally. It covers...

Het nieuwe organiseren

Jaap Peters kijkt terug naar Frederick Winslow Taylor: systemen boven mensen = scientific management!

Banking startup: Simple

The startup Simple is an internet-only consumer bank with an important difference: “Although Simple is designed to replace your bank (and I’d argue it does so quite well), it’s not a proper bank it...

The privacy smartphone

Blackphone is the world’s first smartphone which prioritizes the user’s privacy and control, without any hooks to carriers or vendors. produced by Geeksphone Mozilla Will Stop Developing And Sell...

RoboEarth: where robots read their news

RoboEarth is a World Wide Web for robots.

Cultural dimensions

The Hofstede Centre has extended the original 4 national dimensions to now 6. The name of the 5th changed from confucian dynamism to long term orientation: Power Distance (PDI) Individualism ...


Some people claim that BLE has won over NFC after its adoption by Apple in iOS7’s iBeacon. It can be used by Internet of Things type of applications like personal sensors connected to one’s smartph...


PhotoDNA robust algorithm for identifying photos under scaling and colour changes

Email names and dots

Stop Telling People There’s a Dot in Your Gmail Address—It Doesn’t Matter

Open source in public administration

Munich just finished its transition to open source.

Third culture kid

A Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parents’ culture. The TCK frequently builds relationships to all of the cultures...

Human cognitive progress

Moral philospher James Flynn explains in a TED talk how human cognitive abilities have grown in the past centuries, starting with his discovery that the average IQ has consistently increased since ...

Microchip at 55

Happy 55th birthday to the Microchip!

The Arc of Storytelling

The Arc of Storytelling by Bobette Buster In our culture, he who tells the best story wins. Creating great narratives that produce epiphanies involves a particular talent that applies far beyond f...

Schneier: re-engineer the internet

Bruce Schneier wrote an essay: The US government has betrayed the internet. We need to take it back. The NSA has undermined a fundamental social contract. We engineers built the internet – and now ...

Nothing to hide

Daniel J. Solove explains Why Privacy Matters Even if You Have ‘Nothing to Hide’ SEP about privacy


A connectome is a comprehensive map of neural connections in the brain. Sebastian Seung talksabout mapping a massively model of the brain that focuses on the connections between each neuron.

Security-based DB (re)-design

“Apple Developer Website Update Last Thursday, an intruder attempted to secure personal information of our registered developers from our developer website. Sensitive personal information was encr...



Big Data Analysis

some companies Palantir and an example story Recorded Future Aqute Lessig looks back at his book “Code”(full show). Eben Moglen at re:publica: “media which we watch, watches us” at the E...

Big data for politics

See how the Obama 2012 campaign profited from big data.

Relational approach to economics

Michael Schluter explicates a relational approach to economics based on biblical ideas and what such an approach means for Europe. Tomas Sedlacek talks about the ethics of economics and how its pe...

Institute for Nanolithography

Door ASML gesponsord instituut goed voor heel Nederland

Durf te vragen / Dare to ask

DE KRACHT VAN SOCIALE OVERWAARDE A practical approach towards the sharing economy

Google Ideas

“Google Ideas is a think/do tank that explores how technology can enable people to confront threats in the face of conflict, instability or repression. We connect users, experts and engineers to re...

A new profession: the scientist

“Scientist” is one of those words that haven’t been around for so long - 180 years to be exact. Natural philosophers was the previous term. In her TED talk Laura Snyder critiques the current scient...

Settlers of Catan is the board game of our time

Washington Post compares two games: Like Monopoly in the Depression, Settlers of Catan is the board game of our time and relates them to the challenges of their times.


Microwork is a series of small tasks which together comprise a large unified project, and are completed by many people over the Internet. Microwork is considered the smallest unit of work in a virt...

How pretty a woman has to be

Katie Makkai answers a question she’s had since she was very young in exactly the kind of way that slams into your gut and stays there.

Arrival cities

Doug Saunders identifies arrival cities as the main concept for urbanization: “Rural life is the single biggest killer of humanity in modern times. Slums are huge improvement over rural life. Slums...

Oorzaken van de financiële crisis

Ewald Engelen over ongelijkheid, belastingparadijzen en schaduwbankieren. one of the first to predict the crisis: William White The Man Nobody Wanted to Hear: Global Banking Economist Warned of Co...


A cohousing community is a type of intentional community composed of private homes supplemented by shared facilities.

Want to Help People? Just Give Them Money

Harvard Business Review writes that GiveDirectly’s rigorous data shows that no-strings-attached cash transfers improve health and downstream financial gains. The data fights conventional wisdom: M...

Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich

Innovative taxation design used by some Internationals, e.g. Google. Ireland to close ‘double Irish’ tax loophole

Laat ons de Mens maken

uit Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy: Toekomst - het christelijke levensgeheim p.127-130 “Daarom is het derde artikel van de geloofsbelijdenis het specifiek christelijke: van nu af aan maakt de Heilige Gee...

Cistercians and economic development

In the 12th and 13th century the Cistercians were the most important source of innovation: until the Industrial Revolution, most of the technological advances in Europe were made in the monaste...

Eerste drijvende passiefwoning ter wereld

Aut-Ark B.V, een goede overzicht krijg je als je de lijst van korte video’s bekijk.

Gary Hamel: Reinventing the Technology of Human Accomplishment

Gary Hamel looks at the history of management and shows how it has changed in the last 120 years. He suggests that management for the future is management for the people (e.g. employees first, cust...

Overzicht ERH concepten

Basis termen: geest ziel tijd, toekomst, verleden ruimte Concepten van ERH: 4 oudheden (en de moderne opvolgers) Jezus als middenpunt van de wereldgeschiedenis 3 millennia uniek...

Institute for New Economic Thinking

Another initiative from George Soros: “The Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) was created to broaden and accelerate the development of new economic thinking that can lead to solutions for t...

Colour of the year

The company Pantone annually declares a particular colour as Colour of the Year. This year it will be Emerald. Companies like Puma, Lufthansa, Starbuck’s, Prada, Milka or BIC use these colours for ...

Tennis as a development aid

Tariku and Desta Kids’ Education through Tennis Development has the goal to help disadvantaged children escape poverty. The objectives for the children of TDKET-Ethiopia are: To seek a high sch...

First woman to receive the geshe degree

In Breaking Through Amy Yee tells the story of the first woman to receive the Buddhist geshe degree. The Buddha’s Forgotten Nuns: Filmmaker Wiriya Sati has announced the online release of The Bud...

Feminism and the need to treat all as moral agents

Perhaps an obvious remark on Feminism by Peter Rollins: just targetting men in feminism is an act of patriarchism. This fits well with his implicit/explicit (action/ideology) theme. A commentator w...

Market design, matching theory and experimental economics

Stanford press conference with Alwin Roth, the 2012 Nobel prize winner in economics. A lot of examples of his research are given. His first statements were that he thinks economics is part of the s...

Creative leadership

John Maeda mentions in his TED talk on art, technology, design and leadership traditional and creative leadership (summarised here). I see links to emotionally intelligent signage and a networked w...

See Where The Internet Lives

Huffington Post with a slideshow from Google

Most watched youtube videos

‘Gangnam Style’ overtakes ‘Call Me Maybe’ From 300,248,629 (since Mar 1, 2012) to 481,619,916 (since Jul 15, 2012) views.

Rethinking How We Teach Economics

NY Times started a series: Rethinking How We Teach Economics The suggestion of Nassim Taleb was to Throw Out the Probability Models More info about Nassim: @Eonomist Homepage Taleb distribution

Loopbaan: Drie keer werkloos

Shell-directeur Benschop: ‘Ik heb mijzelf drie keer werkloos gemaakt’

Economic growth: it's not just technical advances

In Link Adam Lent from RSA argues that “the focus on the technology at the heart of such a transformation can be misleading”, and that what matters is “the way the generation of value is transforme...

Javascript as compilation target

Next to generating HTML from some more friendly human readable language as wikis, there is also JavaScript generation: Dropbox rewrote their browser-side code base in CoffeeScript.

How Americans view wealth and inequality

John Rawls said that “a just society is a society that if you knew everything about it, you’d be willing to enter it in a random place”. It turns out that when people take a step away from their ow...

Richard A. Posner on patents

Posner after dismissing a high-profile suit between Apple and Motorola states: “…that there appear to be serious problems with our patent system.” He sees a number of possible solutions: “reduc...

Christopher Nolan on reality

Christopher Nolan: “… the shared experience of watching a story unfold on screen is an important and joyful pastime. The movie theater is my home …”. Can life really be so abstract? Niema Hulin co...

GO becoming ready for production

The programming language Go from Google is becoming ready production. At Google I/O 2012 there is a video about Companies switching for certain projects: Canonical: from Python to Go Heroku: from ...

James Whittaker on

leaving Google, joining Microsoft, and strategies for innovation by Google and Microsoft. our New Era: know and do which started in September 2012. The previous eras were compute-and-store, the 19...

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration

FMNR is reforestation technique created by Tony Rinaudo. He tells the story, NYTimes as well. An article by Tony about FMNR. Redefining agricultural yields: from tonnes to people nourished per hec...

Digital Memories On Graves

The process of burying the dead hasn’t changed much over the centuries, but now their gravestones can provide a digital link to their life stories.

Hans Joas: New Geneology of Human Rights

Hans Joas presents his new German book: Die Sakralität der Person; Eine neue Genealogie der Menschenrechte at the Berkeley Center in 3 over an hour long lectures: Punishment, Rights, and the Sac...

The Elders

Triggered by the announcement of the resignation of Mabel van Oranje as CEO of The Elders, I looked up their website: Interesting people who really have a good reputation. Another important Think ...

Data is the basis for an Internet business model

Comparison between the business models of Google and Microsoft: How Google’s Drive helps kill Microsoft’s Office

Robert Shiller: Finance and The Good Society

Robert Shiller looks in his new book: Finance and The Good Society at ways financial engineering can benefit society. Here he gives an introductory interview. Also interesting is the last class: ...

Benefit corporation

A benefit corporation is a class of corporation required by law to create general benefit for society as well as for shareholders. Benefit corporations must create a material positive impact on soc...

Are Women Better Leaders than Men?

HBR Survey about women in leadership The story of a specific woman: Sheryl Sandberg Petra Stienen tells about the Inspiration of the Seven Sisters, women she got to know in/from the Arabic countr...

Global Christianity and the Rise of the Cellphone

Global Christianity and the Rise of the Cellphone Alan Jacobs writes in the Atlantic about Every Tribe Every Nation, an organization whose mission is to produce and disseminate Bibles in readable ...

Wat is mechatronica?

Rob Munnig Schmidt geeft een goede introductie.

Why iPhones can not be manufactured in the US

Interesting story about the logic for shifting manufacturing to China. More about Apple’s manufacturing. Tim Cook responds in an internal email

Women Take Power in Brazilian Government

Story from Brasília.

Micro Credit Hype

Vinoth Ramachandra about Ha-Joon Chang’s debunking 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism.

Micah Challenge

Christian Initiative to halve poverty by 2015.

Why Big Companies Die

About Steve’s observations. Tend to agree.

What Would a European Tobin Tax Really Mean?

Article about Tobin Tax. The Dutch CPB is argueing against such a tax.

We need to talk

Diplomat Jonas Gahr Støre explains that traditional diplomacy focuses on states, while ‘groups’ are becoming more important. And “that very few of these domestic inter-/intra-state conflicts can be...

Admitting failure

with a focus on NGOs. Engineers without borders started publishing yearly failure reports. [Learning from failure David Damberger TEDxYYC](

What it means to have "I want my phone call"

How to stop torture by Karen Tse.

The Power of Half

About a personal committment.

Self-Help Groups: A Powerful Alternative to Traditional Microfinance

Self-Help Groups are described as an alternative to traditional microfinance which is oriented towards individuals.

Germany Rehabilitates Its Persecuted 'Witches'

Story I think also here applies the point of Bernhard Schlink that as someone from a later generation is not guilty but has to take position.

Anti-Girl Bias

Another story about the situation of girls: “Economists thought that gendercide would decrease as the wealth in Asian nations increases, but the recent Indian census and other studies reveal th...

The end of social

When you take the friction out of sharing, you also remove the value. On O’Reilly Radar. To me it looks like that the article describes something of a “basic social architecture” perhaps similar ...

Ecosystemen en erfelijkheidsleer; en natuurlijk fysica

Een interessante essay over vooruitgang in de techniek en de rol van fysica daarin.

2,500 Years After the Buddha, Tibetan Buddhists Acknowledge Women

Buddhist women are celebrating a landmark victory. How Buddhist Women Can Achieve Equality

Post-autistic economics

Post-autistic economics: The movement is best seen as a forum of different groups critical of the current mainstream. To be less offensive the movement changed the name of its magazine to real-wor...

New Evangelicals

Marcia Pally: Why Evangelical Christians have left the Right.

Financial Markets

Quant: person who performs quantitative analysis VPRO Tegenlicht: Money and Speed: about how computer systems do the electronic trading. VPRO Tegelicht: Aftermath of a crisis: Kort na aanvang van...

Financial History

Nial Ferguson: The Ascent of Money Documentary: part 1 and part 2 An interview about The Ascent of Money

OpenCompute: Facebook's open source HW

The OpenCompute project site. An article. AOL new micro datacenters and the story behind.

Girl Effect

Girl Effect is designed to educate the general public on the unique role adolescent girls can play in eradicating global poverty. Some statistics about the girl effect.

Policies often produce disappointing results

About the consequences of the complexity of human nature: “Poorer people have to think hard about a million things that affluent people don’t.”

Large-scale off-shore wind farms

Story: The term “energy revolution” sounds light and airy enough, but how do human beings manage to wrest electricity from the sea? Germany’s largest offshore wind farm, a power plant surrounded by...

It's the Software - Stupid

Good article about the relation between Software and Electronica. This was in telecommunications (infrastructure) already true 20 years ago.

Agile Management

Jurgen Appelo talks in an interview about his new book: Management 3.0.. Quote from the interview: “Bureaucratische bedrijven met veel managementlagen hebben hun langste tijd gehad. Nieuwe product...

Missional living

“Missional living” is a Christian term that describes a missionary lifestyle; adopting the posture, thinking, behaviors, and practices of a missionary in order to engage others with the gospel mess...

No one wants to die

“No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, be...

Cloud browser: Silk

Amazon is introducing it’s new split-browser for the Kindle Fire. Now if this were seamlessly move between rendering on the device and different cloud providers. That would also prevent the “walle...

Commodities: Switzerland’s Most Dangerous Business

Unnoticed by the public and politicians, Switzerland has become the world’s most important commodities hub. Trade in oil, gas, coal, metals and agricultural products – particularly via deals made i...


Seasteading is the concept of creating permanent dwellings at sea, called seasteads, outside the territories claimed by the governments of any standing nation.

About René Girard

His ideas: mimetic desire: imitation is an aspect of behaviour that not only affects learning but also desire, and imitated desire is a cause of conflict, the scapegoat mechanism is the origi...

Moyo reiterates: Stop aid, stop warning about China

Dambisa Moyo reiterates her statements about Development Aid.

The decline of violence throughout history

Interesting statistics by Steven Pinker in this TED talk, where he argues that we are actually becoming more peaceful over millenia, centuries, decades and years. great stuff, about how all people...

Model for integrating philanthropy into companies

Salesforce promotes its 1/1/1 model to other companies.

Shoes: Buy one, give one

Interesting business initiative about shoes (part of CGI).


Het nieuwe karakter van de zonde ‘Maar waarom zou het leven nog zo’n overbodige extra last te dragen hebben als het kruis? Heb je niet zelf toegegeven dat de mens in voorstad en fabriek volkomen g...

David Aikman

Dr. David Aikman is an award-winning print and broadcast journalist, a best-selling author, and a foreign affairs commentator based in the Washington, D.C. area. His wide-ranging professional achie...

Vishal Mangawadi

Vishal Mangalwadi (1949-) is an international lecturer, social reformer, cultural and political columnist, and author of thirteen books. Born and raised in India, he studied philosophy at universit...

Otto Kroesen

Here the new book: Leven in Organisaties (Living in Organisations) and the accompanying website in Dutch or English. His previous book is Tegenwoordigheid van Geest in een Tijdperk van de Techniek...


εν καιρῳ (en kairoi) responding to today 1. Our Mission Develop an understanding and a Christian response for the imperatives of our time. Some examples: The current financial & economic c...

Cheap smart phones for developing countries

The Chinese company Huawei is selling IDEOS, 80 dollar smart phones like hotcakes in Kenya. They simply lowered the price by using less powerful hardware and equip it with a free (as in beer) ope...

Buffet again

Warren Buffet is a remarkable person. He again surprises.

Web2.0 for social projects

Web technology is being used for social and development projects. Betterplace coordinates projects and donors on the Internet. Micro-volunteering is the practical support for social projects ...

Re-invent the toilet

To avoid diseases and not use water, the Gates Foundation started an interesting initiative.

Hacker ethics

CCC published a list of principles which is an extension of one by Steven Levy in his book Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution: Access to computers - and anything which might teach you s...

A civilisation starter kit

Marcin Jakubowski presents open sourced blueprints for civilisation: DIY technology for “starting a civilisation”. 50 machines in open hardware technology (plans, construction guidelines, instruct...

FreedomBox: Enabling private conversations online

The FreedomBox initiative is a community project to develop, design and promote personal servers running free software for distributed social networking, email and audio/video communications. It g...

Vertical Farming

Interesting concept and a leading Dutch company: PlantLab: Does it really stack up? Philips opent landbouwlab ‘Grow Wise’ in Eindhoven THE VERTICAL FARM Growing crops in the city, without soil or...

Civilization: The West and the Rest

Niall Ferguson, the current partner of Ayaan Hirsi Ali and father of her expected child, has written a new book about the reasons why the west rules the rest for the last 400 years. He identified 6...

Peacetime - wartime

Ben Horowitz wrote an interesting article about different types of management style: Peacetime versus Wartime

What really drives the poor

Economists Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo wrote a book on Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty (short article): “Generally, it is clear that things that make ...

City living and urban upbringing affect neural social stress processing in humans

Cities have both health risks and benefits, but mental health is negatively affected: mood and anxiety disorders are more prevalent in city dwellers and the incidence of schizophrenia is strongly i...

On privacy and the Internet

Interesting article about danger of privacy violations. He separates three parts of our lives: secret, private and public. German initiative for web privacy. How it works. Some white papers. Some...

A Sustainable Roadmap for the Planet

Bjørn Lomborg (director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center and the author of The Skeptical Environmentalist and Cool It) explains How to Save the Planet: “We forget too easily that innovation and ...

What is the right Cloud?

An article comparing Google’s and Apple’s approach to consumer cloud services. Google takes a long-term perspective where everything is in the cloud and the consumer uses different “windows” fo...

Non-violence: an introduction (1)

Violence, who doesn’t know it? Our history contains many examples. We see it daily in the newspaper; almost all movies contain violence. And while we might be against it in most cases, we resort to...

China in Africa

Hillary Clinton states criticism of China’s involvement in Africa. A Giant Awakens: Inside Africa’s Economic Boom Common currency (in Dutch) in East Africa.

Can painting a mountain restore a glacier?

Slowly but surely an extinct glacier in a remote corner of the Peruvian Andes is being returned to its former colour, not by falling snow or regenerated ice sheets, but by whitewash.

Encountering Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy

Darrol Bryant describes his own journey with Rosenstock-Huessy. During his life, he discovered Rosenstock-Huessy’s relevance for social work, history and interfaith dialogue. ERH Biography in Prog...

Diagnosis and Salvation: Revolution, History and Augustine in Eric Voegelin and Rosenstock-Huessy

Wayne Cristaudo compares Eric Voegelin and Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy in a paper presented at the Eric Voegelin Society Meeting 2010. Both are critical of modern society and both value Christianity a...


Google’s browser Chrome uses a new protocol SPDY for communication with (all) Google services. It is SSL based and faster than HTTP.

On the current state of academia

Reform the PhD system or close it down: One reason that many doctoral programmes do not adequately serve students is that they are overly specialized, with curricula fragmented and increasingly ir...

On assassinating Osama bin Laden

Peter Leithart wrote in a blog post: “I am glad Osama bin Laden is dead. He was an evil man. And I think the surgical method used to kill him is commendable. The Bible, especially Judges, endorse...

Managing China: Stimulating Creativity in a Sea of Convention

Good article about Chinese culture.

Japan: The Psychology Behind Dignity

Good article about Japanese culture with links to supporting material. More about Japanese culture: Post-Crisis Japan: Ready to Embrace the World?

What is required for server-side data protection?

The Sony incident poses the question how digital identities of consumers are protected. Do we not need explicit requirements and (public) auditing for data storage of companies and public instituti...

Ten Things I Hate About Object-Oriented Programming

An essay by Oscar Nierstrasz

Timing is the key to success in Consumer Products

David Aaker looks at the example of Apple: one key ingredient that is usually overlooked is the ability of Jobs to get the timing right.

The real reason for unemployment

U.S. Representative Jesse Jackson Jr tells you the real reason.

Adapting user rights to reality

A notice from dropbox which should be true for any online service.


Members of the European Parliament found a new Lobby Organization to support them in the fight for the control of financial markets. Dutch members are almost absent.

Announcement: Judaism Despite Christianity

The 1916 Wartime Correspondence Between Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy and Franz Rosenzweig Edited by Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy With a new Foreword by Paul Mendes-Flohr and a new Introduction by Harold St...

Open Science

Michael Nielsen left academia to write a book about open science, and the radical change that online tools are causing in the way scientific discoveries are made. Open science: Michael Nielsen at ...

"Not every venture is about capital"

and more: Mozilla communicating some of its ethos.

and had all things in common

Book, interview and film about Hutterite living. A community different from the world.

Who Gets Priority on the Web? - "Internet Architecture and Innovation"

Lawrence Lessig promoting net neutrality by refering to a new book by Barbara van Schewick. Here a video presenting her book.

"The new flat earth society"

This scientific satire article was published in The Physics Teacher in 1996. Apart from the obvious it made me think that there is an understanding among scientists (sorry for stereotyping) that so...

Computer science changes at Carnegie Mellon

report (from article ). Two interesting changes: object oriented programming is removed from freshmen curriculum, and the use of a scripting language (Python) instead of Java.

Away from 3D

“We’re moving away from any stance that says if you don’t use the 3-D functionality you can’t play this game.” → not everyone can see the 3D images

23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism

All 23 things from Ha-Joon Chang’s book 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism: There is no such thing as a free market. Companies should not be run in the interest of their owners. ...

Hans Rosling and the magic washing machine

Not a new lesson, but well told: The magic washing machine I think he’s right in mentioning that as the west we can’t export (power) consumption globally like we use it ourselves. Great stuff for...

The Five Stages of Renewal in the Local Church

Rick Warren speaks about five (six) stages of renewal of the pastor and his congregation. Stage 3 contains what the Lichtstad has called 5Vs.

Filter Bubble: Living in a personally tailored world

The algorithmic filtering for personalizing information creates an Internet where algorithms decide for you what you see. Eli Pariser calls it filter bubble.

address space layout randomization

ASLR makes it makes it hard to hack mobile phones.

Philips Smart TV introductie

Philips Smart TV looks a lot like a TV you’d expect.

Notorious Markets

Important Information from the US government: Sites which violate trademarks.

Cloud requirements: disconnected backup and incremental user base SW update

The errors in Gmail and Google’s actions reveal important requirements for good cloud software: disconnected backup (here on tapes) incremental user base SW update to limit the effect of faul...

Dead Drops

A kind of subversive action: Un-cloud your files in cement! ‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space.

Snuiven cocaïne geeft grootste kans op hartaanval

Het is wel een heel interessante lijst van redenen. oorzaak vs aanleiding?

Every seventh sprint should be spent cleaning up code

Quote from the book Coders at Work applying a biblical principle to computer coding: Seibel (the interviewer): In one of your talks you quoted Exodus 23:10 and 11: “And six years thou shalt sow th...

Dual Uprisings Show Potent New Threats to Arab States

An article about a pan-Arab youth movement dedicated to spreading democracy in a region without it. They were especially drawn to a Serbian youth movement called Otpor, which had helped topple the ...

Monique Samuel

Hier een interessante persoon: Monique is politicologe, Christen, van Egyptische achtergrond en momenteel op de tv. Informatie over haar hier op wikipedia en haar webpagina. Hier: Soeterbeeck Pre...


Definition of Mind by Daniel Siegel: “A core aspect of the mind can be defined as an embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and information.” One thing to note is th...

Intro to Interpersonal Neurobiologie

David Siegel at a talk at TED. It is a good start before seeing more of YT videos about him. Another longer video with large overlap.

Sociale Innovatie

Herman Wijffels over sociale innovatie

Larry Page's Google 3.0

People-oriented inside view of Google

Current challenges from the perspective of Google

2010 Google Faculty Summit: Opening Remarks, same video from Techminer The challenges are: Innovation begins with commitment to advancing technology rich domain of work due to our mission (G...


Er zijn verschillende begrippen van tijd. Het bekendste begrip is die van de natuurkunde. Naast de natuurkundige is er ook nog de menslijke begrip van tijd. Wij willen hier beiden vergelijken. Bel...

From web apps to mobile apps

Google seems to move to mobile apps. Is that a trend for repositioning the cloud?

Cultural Achievements

Throughout history mankind has a gained cultural achievements which characterize modern life. These achievements have precise origins in history. We name some of them here. The ladder of potent...

Rachel Botsman on Collaborative Consumption

Rachel on TED Two videos (one and two) with an interview with Rachel from the centre of public Christianity. There are three different kind of markets: redistribution markets (e.g. ebay) pr...

Law of Technology

Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy formulated a law of technology: each technological progress shortens time, expands space and destroys a social group. originally formulated in German: „Jeder technis...

Two young British history writers: Giles Milton and Tom Holland

Giles Milton specializes in the history of exploration The Riddle and the Knight: In Search of Sir John Mandeville (1996) Nathaniel’s Nutmeg: How One Man’s Courage Changed the Course of Histo...

Os Guinness: The Case for Civility

An interview with Os Guinness, the author of The Case for Civility And Why Our Future Depends on It citing from a review: “Much of the answer to whether or not we’ll learn to live with our deepest...

Hoe gebeurt politieke meningsvorming in Nederland?

Wat is de toekomst van de politieke meningsvorming in Nederland? En hoe gebeurt er een Christelijke inbreng? Zijn het Christelijke partijen die binnen een verzuilingsmodel hun kiezers achter hun sc...

David Brooks: The Sporting Mind

Nice article were David Brooks looks at the cultural origins of sports and their associated traditions. Our sports are a mixture of these 3 traditions and very important for current moral formation.

David Brooks: National Greatness Agenda

Another article by David Brooks about a coming movement to save the US from financial disaster: “The coming movement may be a third party or it may support serious people in the existing two. Its g...

Getting Medieval on Higher Education

“The modern system of higher education has existed for little more than a century, and its present, decadent form has materialized only in the last few generations. While I would not seriously advo...

Danger: America Is Losing Its Edge In Innovation

In a global, knowledge-driven economy there is a direct correlation between engineering education and innovation. Global leadership is not a birthright. Despite what many Americans believe, our na...

Papers of Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy and Franz Rosenzweig Donated to Dartmouth

Gritli letters and other correspondence moved to Dartmouth.

Why Identity and Authentication Must Remain Distinct

nice article: It’s Me, and Here’s My Proof: Why Identity and Authentication Must Remain Distinct

Schools kill creativity

Plea by Ken Robinson for a different school system: all school systems have a hierarchy of mathematics and languages natural sciences art It is built as a linear path for becoming a unive...

China overtakes World Bank in lending stakes

As China becomes the biggest lender how will that influence the political agendas of our development aid?

Limits of multi-tasking

Going for the technologically possible is not a good design, what would be a good one? In New Military, Data Overload Can Be Deadly Mindfulness is the keyword, origins from Buddhism, but it is used...

Technology for "world peace"

new kind of cyber attack Thanks, some info I didn’t know yet. And there may be more though rumors .

Otto Kroesen heeft een vernieuwde website

Temporavitae onder Literatuur vind je veel van zijn artikelen in digitale vorm Het boek: Leven in organisaties is vertaald naar het Engels: Vacant Responsibilities: an ethics of timing.

STEPS Manifesto: Otto Kroesen

Innovation, Sustainability, Development: A New Manifesto “If you had to make one recommendation to the UN, or another global body, about the future of innovation for sustainability and development,...

Never buying a laptop again: Motorola Atrix

Short video or longer, noisy but with TV and RC instead of keybord and MM-PC Looks like the future! Technical description The next Wintel: Android plus NVIDIA: about the big players in mobile spa...

Personal clouds: private and public

While everyone is using public clouds in some form or another, data ownership is a problematic issue, and will be even more so. ownCloud is an effort to use of clouds on the open source desktop,...

VS eisen gegevens WikiLeaks-aanhangers op bij Twitter – microblog weigert

VS eisen gegevens WikiLeaks-aanhangers op bij Twitter – microblog weigert Twitter Informs Users Of DOJ WikiLeaks Court Order, Didn’t Have To Ik verwacht een discussie over de cloud. Het is nameli...

Privacy Approaches for Internet Video Advertising

Article on an interesting solution for Privacy Approaches for Internet Video Advertising It makes the user’s device the active part.

Interesting p2p initiative

Dot-p2p Goals Create an application that runs as a service and hooks into the host’s DNS system to catch all requests to the .p2p TLD while passing all other requests cleanly through. Requests for ...

Can Science Determine Human Values?

Sam Harris, an anti-theist, argues that moral behavior (ethics) can be based on science and that moral relativism is wrong: Sam Harris: Can Science Determine Human Values A good presentation, but...

The Joy of Stats

Documentary which takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride through the wonderful world of statistics to explore the remarkable power they have to change our understanding of the world, presented by su...

A Physicist Solves the City

Modern cities are the real centers of sustainability. According to the data, people who live in densely populated places require less heat in the winter and need fewer miles of asphalt per capita. ...

Simon Johnson and James Kwak: 13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and the Next Financial Meltdown

Johnson and Kwak are looking at the 6 major American banks (Citi Group, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo) as they are building an oligarchy (political ...

George Soros - The Living History of the Last 30 years

George Soros has founded the Institute for New Economic Thinking to support the change of the economics discipline. George Soros - The Living History of the Last 30 years Soros gives an account o...

About Economics: The Return of History by David Brooks

The Return of History “Economics achieved coherence as a science by amputating most of human nature. Now economists are starting with those parts of emotional life that they can count and model (t...

Adult education

Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy is one of the founding fathers of adult education, which he called andragogy. Norman Fiering wrote an essay about Rosenstock-Huessy and his role in adragogy.

Nooteboom citaat

Nooteboom deed een suggestie het heden eens anders te bekijken: “Als men het heden als geschiedenis beschouwt, kan men in een eigenaardige omkering ook het verleden als heden beschouwen.” Cees Noot...

Nieuw ontwerp gezondheidszorg

Gisteren over gesproken en vandaag al de aanleiding in de krant: Medisch specialisten doen te veel onnodige operaties. De incentive structuur klopt niet: diagnose en behandelaar moeten gescheiden w...

Inspiration for our (children's) book

Another example of a difficult topic that has nevertheless been translated for the general public (or even children). Mommy, why is there a server in the house? Very inspirational… Let’s use thi...

Kibera: Everybody profited from faked size of "Africa's largest slum"

Fast update of the english wikipedia: Kibera “The 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census reports Kibera’s population as 170,070, contrary to previous estimates of one or two million people.” Dut...

Christianity earlier in Asia than in Northern Europe

Christianity was earlier in Asia than in Northern Europe outside of the Roman Empire. This has implications for the role of West in world history. It seems that its transformations via revolutions ...

Paper about Rosenstock-Huessy's philosophy of history

Michael McDuffee: A Re-reading of Rosenstock-Huessy’s Philosophy of History in the Era of God’s Return Interesting article, more a list of quotations than a systematic exposition. Abstract: This...

Base of Pyramid Innovation Center

A new partnership that is promoting market based solutions and entrepreneurship in developing countries. The launch of this partnership is introduced by Africa Interactive. Video

Housewives of God

In centuries past, evangelical women were not meek about their role in church. Early Baptists allowed women to preach during the Great Awakening, and women were among the most influential revival...

A great woman and writer

Anne Lamott is a great person and writer. She writes about her life and experiences very open and honest. A Conversation with Anne Lamott 2007 Other links: Wikipedia Anne Lamott

Interesting discussion of Jewish identity

The wikipedia article about Emil Fackenheim presents an interesting discussion about Jewish identity. The core of the discussion is about the consequence of the Shoa for Jewish existence. In conclu...

Pop Quiz: How Do You Stop Sea Captains From Killing Their Passengers?

Back in the 1700s, the British government paid sea captains to take felons to Australia. At first, it didn’t work so well: About a third of the males on one particularly horrific voyage died. The...

Islamic contributions to history of science

George Saliba: Islam & the transformation of Greek Science Islam & the transformation of Greek Science Islamic Science and the Making of the European Renaissance George Saliba Thanks!! ...

Francis Schaeffer and L'Abri

The Francis and Edith Schaeffer Story: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 My first start to think about culture and Christianity was to read: How should we then live. How Should We Then Live? How Sho...

Os Guinness: Globalization - The Challenge

From the third Lausanne Conference: Cape Town 2010: Globalization: The Challenge by Os Guinness 3 important tasks: discern assess engage Globalization: multiple modernities (American...

Advice for Women in Ministry by Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham

Advice for Women in Ministry by Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of Billy Graham

The Impact Of Faiths On Globalization

Professor Miroslav Volf, Lamin Sanneh, and Jose Casanova discuss how faiths will engage economy, politics and international affairs under the process of globalization. The Impact Of Faiths On Glob...

Jeff Fountain reads Jeremy Rifkin's The European Dream

Where is Network Europe? American Dream versus European Dream (car versus mobile phone)

Cultural Preservation

from Wycliffe BT: Cultural Preservation Also other people such as Lamin Sanneh claim that bible translation is one of the most important tasks for giving a culture its value.

Minder steun voor ontwikkelingshulp

Minder steun voor ontwikkelingshulp Blijkbaar begrijpen veel mensen de noodzaak niet. Zou het beter zijn mensen uit de betreffende landen te laten spreken voor hun situatie dan onze gesubsidieerd...

Nog eens Nina

In het Nederlands Zij heeft ook een Nederlands verleden, naast Personal Jesus. Leuk om te zien! Ze zegt dat ze God altijd al gezocht heeft. Goed dat ze ‘em uiteindelijk heeft gevonden. En het Ned...

Bernhard Schlink on forgiveness and reconciliation

Bernhard Schlink: Guilt About the Past Interessante smaakmaker van 5 minuten Een presentatie van een uur. Ik vond het begin van de smaakmaker zelfs nog wat abstract, maar zijn voorbeelden aan he...

Hans Rosling: The good news of the decade?

Het blijkt beter te gaan met het bestrijden van kindersterfte (1 van de milleniumdoelen) dan je zou denken op basis van rapporten van de Verenigde Naties. Geweldige presentatie van Hans Rosling! D...

Greek and Christian Science

Emeritus professor Edwin Judge has contributed to developments in the understanding of ancient history and early Christianity. One of his major points is “the social scientific criticism of the New...

Edwin Judge

Emeritus professor Edwin Judge has contributed to developments in the understanding of ancient history and early christianity. One of his major points is “the social scientific criticism of the new...

On language and framing

Notes on George Lakoff Idea Framing, Metaphors, and Your Brain - George Lakoff Every institution is structured by a frame: 2 elements: roles or frame elements scenarios Every word in every la...

Harold Netland

Harold Netland is a professor of philosophy of religion and intercultural studies at an evangelical university. Globalisation and religious pluralism are two of his areas, on which he has given a s...

Tom Holland

Tom Holland Wikipedia is an author about vampires and history. His first two historical novels are about Rome: Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic Amazon and Persia: Persian Fire: The ...

Digital Identity

about Digital Identity Future of Identity in the Information Society (FIDIS) Identity Commons Wiki Wikipedia: Digital Identity Loosely Coupled Kim Cameron’s Identity Blog ZDnet’s Digit...

Creative Class

Richard Florida Richard Wikipedia wrote books about the Creative Class (its rise and flight).The Creative Class are the people who change the world and are located at a small number of centers aro...

Peter A. Levine

In this book Waking the Tiger : Healing Trauma : The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences Levine describes traumas as a bodily reaction which humans share with all mammals. In vi...


Peter A. Levine In this book Waking the Tiger : Healing Trauma : The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences Levine describes traumas as a bodily reaction which humans share with all...

Kishore Mahbubani

Kishore Mahbubani Wikipedia knows the Eastern and Western world alike and explains the rise of Asia by their application of Western values. The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Glob...

Jeffery Sachs

Jeffery Sachs videos Jeffery Sachs videos video of a good discussion by Soros, Roubini and Sachs also see Sachs’s new book: Common Wealth: here an introduction by atGoogleTalks

James A. Ogilvy

in progress see a bio of James A. Ogilvy Jay is a cofounder of GBN and a partner of the Monitor Group. His research and work focus on the role that human values and changing motivations play in bu...

Overview Sites

Websites which present a good overview and introduction on important topics: E-learning community on management. about how we change what others think, believe...

Double Listening

Double Listening is a term used by John Stott to describe the task of Christians which want to contribute in a relevant way to our modern world. In his book The Contemporary Christian: An Urgent P...

Bottom of Pyramid

Bottom of Pyramid


En Kairoi - greek for: at the appropriate point in time More explanation and related terms include the following: Kairos Respondeo etsi mutabor - a term coined by Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy in G...


John C. Maxwell John C. Maxwell: Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrows Success The 12 areas are: Choose and display the right attitude Determine and act on important prior...

Culture of Improvement

Nice review of Robert Friedels book: A Culture of Improvement: Technology and the Western Millennium by The NYT

Culture of Improvement

A Culture of Improvement: Technology and the Western Millennium by Robert Friedel Why does technology change over time, how does it change, and what difference does it make? In this sweeping, ambi...


Rights of Children Convention on the Rights of the Child Wikipedia Continuous Development Charter on the Rights of the Child Before, During and After Birth talks about a continuous development o...

Richard Florida

Richard Florida (his site) wrote books about the Creative Class (its rise and flight).The Creative Class are the people who change the world and are located at a small number of centers around th...


Kairos (καιρος) is an ancient greek word that means the right time. In contrast to the word chronos (χρονος), meaning the chronological time of a clock, kairos is the right time for something to ha...