Otto Kroesen
Here the new book: Leven in Organisaties (Living in Organisations) and the accompanying website in Dutch or English.
His previous book is Tegenwoordigheid van Geest in een Tijdperk van de Techniek (The Presense of Spirit in an Age of Technology). Here is a review originally published in the Dutch newspaper Trouw.
Here the translation of the table of content:
Otto Kroesen: The Presence of Spirit in the Era of Technology
- Lost Communication
- Lost Time
- Re-Learning to Speak
- Communication in a Technological Era
- Winning Time
- The Perspective of the History of Mankind
- Origin and Future of the Technological Era
- Lost Communication
- Introduction
- The Law of Technology
- Among Ethicists and Language of Technology
- Subjectivism and Objective Science
- Efficiency and Technology
- Deficiency of Language
- Lost Time
- Language and Time
- The Development of Industry -Quality of Work
- Re-Learning to Speak
- Language and Time
- Speaking
- Language as the Archetype of Society
- Het afkoelingsproces van de taal
- The Cross of Reality
- Speech Problems of Society
- Communication in a Technological Era
- Introduction
- Pluralism
- The Doctrine of Social Movement
- Imagination or Re-Present-Making
- Beyond the Limited Technological Language
- Beyond Abstract Ethical Guidelines
- Winning Time
- From Working Time to Eternity
- Universal Human Five-Sphere Music
- The Whole Human
- Young: Living
- Old: Love
- Elder: Spirit
- The Respiration of the Soul
- Winning Time in the Industrial Era
- The Perspective of the History of Mankind
- Time as Learning Process
- The Names of Historical Powers
- History of Mankind
- The Four Founders
- Origin and Future of the Technological Era
- Introduction
- Origin of the Western Rationalism
- Soul and World
- Revolutions
- The French Revolution
- The Russian Revolution
- The End of an Era
- And now …. the Communication Era
An webpage from TU Delft.