Schools kill creativity
Plea by Ken Robinson for a different school system: all school systems have a hierarchy of
- mathematics and languages
- natural sciences
- art
It is built as a linear path for becoming a university professor and comes out of the 19th century, the industrial age. It is built as a large scale organization and is a kind of university for children. But our societal needs are rapidly changing. ADHD may be sign that kids have different needs.
Short presentation from TED:
Longer presentation, essentially the same plea but more examples, and some practical examples in the end:
iPad schools / Steve Jobs schools: Onderwijs voor een nieuwe tijd ‘We moeten de strijd met Maurice de Hond en de Steve Jobsschool niet aangaan’ Radical Reform: Dutch iPad Schools Seek to Transform Education ‘We willen een Hannah Arendtschool in plaats van een Steve Jobsschool’